Wardiary: Warchief no more
Oct 27nd
19:00 Our troops have been gathering strength the last few weeks while we have continued our siege and weakened our foes. Today is the day we will finally confront Garrosh himself.
21:15 The fight is now over. I have mixed feelings about the result. We managed to counter all his nasty mind control tricks and bring him down, but just when we were about to finish him off, all those "leaders" interfered. Cowards I would say, let us to do all the hard work, take all the risks, and then they have the guts to intervene and save that rapid dog's life. I understand the concept of this Trial thing, to prevent him from gaining martyr status, but I still think this is a grave mistake...
23:00 I just returned from a meeting with the King. As every civilian has already escaped from Orgrimmar and there are only a few random warriors loyal to Garrosh on the loose, we have been given permission to keep the city closed, clear it up from any remaining enemies and keep whatever we find from the city. Maybe I'll get that Throne transported to Azeroth...
Garrosh Hellscream