Something Orange

Feb 12, 2012 by Alfenster

While the siege of the Wyrmrest temple was underway, Finnish Brute Force selected a secret recruitment officer to find more raiders and help. Instead of real players, a dark prince was found. Wrathion, the son of Deathwing himself, rebelled against his parents as any teenager would and decided to send our human female rogue, Tac on an adventure of her own to find something pretty to wield and help the guild in the long run.

Tac had no easy task infront of her. She was to kill every living remnant of the Black Dragonflight to prove her might and cunning. Pick pocketing Hagara and looting countless of mythical fragments from various bosses, she finally gathered enough to forge a pair of daggers with the help of Wrathion. Those hollow shells were not perfect from the start and would need a soul. So, more pieces of Deathwings minions were required.

At last, after few months, the daggers were ready to wield their true power. All that was left was the mighty sharpening! What else would you use to sharpen your cutlery than the jaw of Deathwing himself! So the harbinger of death was harbinged and the Fangs of the Father were born. Gz Tac!