Aug 22, 2024 by Susi

They ask, I deliver! So without further ado, here we go. One filler up post coming up! My name is Susi, and I am the author behind this nonsense!

As we all know, The War Within early access is only hours away, while the actual launch happens next week. Those who were willing to sacrifice their gold and soul will be receiving bragging rights and a couple of days extra for The War Within, while the more casual people like myself will be having our turn for levelling shenanigans later on. I can't wait!

Like I predicted in my previous post, after the realm first Fyrakk HC kill we haven't been very active on the raiding field, but we are not dead you hear! As soon as the new content comes out, we will be there brute forcing our way to the many vistories again! So right now we're saying “Baibaiiii!” to Dragonflight and “Helloo there!” to The War within. Stay tuned!


(Psst! Ja jos etsit suomalaista raidikiltaa, tiedät mistä meidät löytää!)

Baibai Dragonflight


Dec 10, 2023 by Susi

Hello again and welcome to the walkthrough of Finnish Brute Force's latest victory in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, which is the last raid of Dragonflight expansion. My name is Susi and I'll be your flight master.

At the time of writing, Amirdrassil has been out for four weeks and I personally was really looking forward to it. The raid houses nine bosses that are mostly made of fire.. literally. And then there's like two tree-beings that have not yet caught on fire. Except wait, the first tree did catch on fire, so... Just one without fire. And the whole lore of the raid is to set the big tree on fire! So.. yeah.. the theme is fire, once again.

As usual, we started with normal clears and downed all the way to normal Fyrakk with quite an ease and I dont have much to say on the first heroic difficulty bosses either, as they were chopped, bashed, shot and cast down as effortlessly as any other nuisances life throws at us. The last three or so gave us more trouble but as we all know, FBF doesn't falter.

So, this being said, I am proud to announce that Finnish Brute Force has the realm first kill on heroic Fyrakk! Obviously also Ahead of the Curve -achievements and pretty new shadowflame dragon model.

There's a good chance you won't hear from us until the next expansion now, since we are unfortunately lacking active raiders for mythic raiding, but we are still here... waiting... biding our time to... BRUTE FORCE OUR WAY TO VICTORY AGAIN!

See you next time!


Fyrakk the Blazing


Fyrakk the Blazing Heroic

Frenzied Incarnate Legwraps (Chinoiserie)
Boots of the Molten Hoard (Joukahainen)
Gholak, the Final Conflagration (Sraaz)
Flame-Warped Curio (Ruiti)
Flame-Warped Curio (Marwell)



Sep 10, 2023 by Susi
Ahead of the curve - that is!

It's Sunday night and team FBF is getting ready for the raid night. Sarkareth has been elusive and avoided his death efficiently leaving us yearning for the kill and them loots. No more, we say! No more! The first bosses have given us (almost) no trouble at all so far; take the pool to the side, soak this, soak that... The general gist of this raid, Aberrus, seems to be the puddles and how to handle them correcly (or in our case, sometimes incorrectly :P). And don't even get me started on bombs and explosions...! Explosions, gotta have more explosions!! A-hem.. puddling on...

Mr. E.O.N (Echo of Neltharion) stopped us a couple of times, creating walls to separate us. I believe he has some work to do with certain kind of insecurities and group gatherings. Maybe a calm, peaceful surrounding would make him put those walls down... or then we simply smash them... and all the adds he generously donated us.

I don't know if last night's raid was fated to be a clear or not, but we were extra focused due to having to start two hours late from our normal Sunday raid time. That left us with only two hours for Sarkareth, but what a beautiful raid it was. We improved on (almost!) each pull until finally downed the lizard.

And now, finally the time has come! I get to say the heroic version of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible has been cleared by Finnish Brute Force!


Scalecommander Sarkareth


Scalecommander Sarkareth Heroic

Erethos, the Empty Promise (Pawsofflight)
Scalecommander's Ebon Schynbalds (Joukahainen)
Beacon to the Beyond (Zende)
Void-Touched Curio (Karnywhelp)



Feb 22, 2023 by ChatGPT

In a stunning upset, the World of Warcraft guild known as "Finnish Brute Force" has claimed victory over the game's toughest raid boss - Raszageth the Storm-Eater on heroic mode.

The Finnish Brute Force, or FBF for short, had been quietly working on their strategy for months, determined to be the first guild to defeat the infamous end boss. And despite the odds being against them, they succeeded.

"We knew we had something special when we formed this guild," said FBF's leader, a stoic Finnish gamer known only as "Matti"*. " We have the brains, the brawn, and the Finnish sisu to take on any challenge."

The final battle was a grueling affair, with FBF members taking turns to heal, tank, and DPS their way through the boss's many phases. There were moments of panic and chaos, but the guild held strong.

"We were like a well-oiled machine," said one FBF member. "Everyone knew their role and executed it perfectly. It was a thing of beauty."

The news of FBF's triumph has spread like wildfire throughout the WoW community, with players around the world celebrating the guild's achievement.

"Those Finns are crazy," said one player. "I don't know what they put in their coffee over there, but I want some."

The members of FBF, meanwhile, are already looking forward to their next challenge. "We're not satisfied with just one victory," said Matti*. "We want to be the best. And we'll do whatever it takes to get there."^

* Name changed to protect identity


Raszageth the Storm-Eater


Raszageth the Storm-Eater Heroic

Desperate Invoker's Codex (Missionary)
Stormlash's Last Resort (Missionary)
Loathsome Thunderhosen (Felke)
Venerated Topaz Forgestone (Joukahainen)



Apr 4, 2020 by Susi

Battle for Azeroth victory was guaranteed in the Ny’alotha raid, where the brave warriors (and other classes) of Finnish Brute Force fought their way through the gloomy corridors filled with a delightful mix of bugs and random tentacles poking out left, right and center. Some serious fashion design by The Old God ™, if you ask me!

Ny’alotha was fully cleared on heroic difficulty and we turned our gaze towards Shadowlands.

Death and despair awaits!


Uunat HC


N'Zoth the Corruptor HC

Manifesto of Madness (Alfenster)
Pauldrons of the Great Convergence (Ruiti)
Last Vestige of Neltharion (Gerppo)


Oct 16, 2019 by Alfenster

Another update for Battle for Azeroth expansion. Crucible of Storms mini-raid and The Eternal Palace have been cleared by FBF and swiftly forgotten while we getting prepared to bake some christmas cookies and restock consumables for next (and possibly also last) tier in BFA.


Both raid instances were cleared fully with heroic difficulty. Killshots and loot for each instance end boss follows:


Uunat HC


Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void HC

Stormglide Steps (Pawsoflife)
Void Stone (Missionary)
Malformed Herald's Legwraps (Missionary)



Uunat HC


Queen Azshara HC

Gloves of Incomparable Beauty (Hufflegruff, Felke)
Cursed Lover's Ring (Gódivá)


Apr 14, 2019 by Alfenster

Uldir and Battle of Dazar'alor are now history safe to say. Sum up the progress FBF hammered 3 Uldir bosses on mythic difficulty (Taloc, MOTHER and Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth).


Next one up was Battle of Dazar'alor raid where we agreed only two mythic kills was sufficient for this tier (Champion of the Light and Jadefire Masters). Steamrolling on to our next target, The Eternal Palace. Sadly upcoming tier will be a summer release and therefore far away from ideal in the middle of holiday season.


Taloc Mythic


Champion of the Light M

Crusade Pummelers (Diamondcrack)
Bracers of Zealous Calling (Pyrothion, Ithos)
Cowl of Righteous Resolve (Felke)
Divine Fury Raiment (Hituc)
Breastplate of Divine Purification (Richarderus)


Jadefire Masters M

Helm of Tempered Jade (Richarderus)
Cranedancer Leggings (Voltaxicrift, Gódivá)
Firecaller's Handwraps (Padregustav)
Band of Multi-Sided Strikes (Missionary)


Oct 2, 2018 by Alfenster

By now you've already got the idea that posting news isn't excatly our core competence. No siree Bob. However, the voices outside the head (not to mention the ones inside too) gradually became so loud that now is the right moment to report about our current progress.


The great leader and his elixir of Jaloviina have boosted us near end of Uldir HC only G'huun still out there. As we reached recommended number of elixirs (5) Taloc, our latest kill, was easily drunk under the table on mythic mode. Unfortunately on the next day no killshot was found even everyone said they had one. After putting together our slim recollections from the kill we created a rough sketch from the boss, hope it serves you well!


Taloc Mythic


Taloc Mythic

Crimson Colossus Armguards (Alfenster)
Bloodstorm Buckle (Faitlyen)
Gloves of Descending Madness (Hufflegruff)
Vigilant's Bloodshaper (Missionary)
Rubywrought Sparkguards (Victaella)


Oct 16, 2016 by Cabbus

After clearing Xavius in HC, we hopped into the world of mythic creatures, first of which was an already pretty beat up looking dragon. But as they say, kick a dragon when it's down. In the almost legendary last pull of the night, we achieved what can only be described as great success. Nythendra mythic was killed on the same night as our first Xavius HC, putting us in the top 10 of Aszune/Shadowsong progression.


Nythendra Mythic

Oct 16, 2016 by Cabbus

Not an hour had passed after the last news item in ages was posted, and it's already outdated! The drooling steroid junkie was smacked up pretty good after we unloaded a can of brute force on it. Some raid members paid the price and went insane (in-game and in real life?), but now we are ahead of the curve in today's parlance.


Xavius HC

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